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I would like to give a very special and warm thanks to God, my husband, and my family for supporting me during my training and giving me the love and care that I needed on my journey as a learning aesthetician. Furthermore, I would like to thank the doctors, aesthetic specialists, surgeons, international and national teachers, trainers, friends, and all of those who have and continue to support me in my career. If I were to mention every single person who has helped me, my list would be pages long. As such, here are the names of the most notable, those who have impacted A Miracle Aesthetic and Wellness Center the most:

Dr. Natalia Palomino, MD, Aesthetic Specialist
Dr. Alejandro Sanchez Camarena, MD, Aesthetic Surgeon
Celine Khouzami, Laser Specialist
Dr. Shogi Mclean MD, FHM FACP
Dr. Emad H. Elbadawy, MD
C-NP. Melissa Acevedo
DNP. Ashley Reese
C-NP. Tatiana Sarmiento
Dr. Jorge Gaviria, MD, Gynecologist
Dr. Natalia Correa, MD, Dermatologist
C-NP. Nidia Rubio, Aesthetic Specialist
C-NP, Zoilamis Gutierez, Aesthetician Specialist
Dr. Dimara Vega MD Aesthetician and Plastic Surgeon
Dr. W Christopher Croley MD Aesthetic Specialist
Cody Baycrof, RN, Laser Specialist
Danielle Tricketl Medical Assistant, Office Specialist
Dr. Hill, MD, Gynecologist
Victor Peña and Cruz Milagros Designers Specialist
Paleta Media ltd. Web Development Team